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Give your walls a long lasting beautiful finish with vibrant interior and exterior emulsions by Kadisco that won't let you take your eyes away.
For those who want their walls to have a premium look, Kadisco Asian Paint's presents its premium acrylic emulsion paint called Apcolite Mica Emulsion for interior and exterior surfaces. Not only does it provide superior whiteness and washability but also a higher hiding power to give your walls the premiumness that matches your imagination.
exploreKadisco Super Emulsion provides a smooth matte finish to the walls. It is available in a wide range of colours and offers excellent value for money to the consumers. It can be applied on both interior and exterior surfaces.
exploreEmulsions which your walls deserve and you can afford. Decora Budget Emulsion makes your walls brighter by offering more whiteness and smooth finish compared to ordinary paints. This makes it not just affordable but also the best choice for your walls.